About Us

Olivier. I’m a manual man, I like to do things by myself. I’m a mechanic, my wife is a seamstress and we like plants a lot. Here at EitherDIY I share tips that reduce expenses by offering you solutions to make your own DIY initiatives.

Let me know the questions you would like me to answer in a message or what you would like to be explained in simpler terms.

Our articles belong to three categories:

  • Home and Garden
  • Easy Sewing
  • Car and Maintenance

To save you time, I answer the most frequently asked questions here.


Do you allow contributions to your blog?

No, I do not accept guest posts at this time. If I change my mind at any time, I will update this answer.

Would you be interested in adding our sales program to your post?

I choose affiliate sales programs that I know and trust to recommend to my audience. However, if you think your program would be a good addition to a publication, feel free to recommend it. I will consider it. However, there is no guarantee that I will include it.

Do you accept sponsored content on your blog?

I only publish informative content related to the products I promote as an affiliate.

Do you accept a new affiliate?

I don’t have an affiliate program for EitherDIY. You still need to contact…

How can we help you?

Today, we want to put our knowledge through digital content. Offering you according to our categories full things that you will know how to do yourself if not the means to get it.

How to contact us?

I like automation to manage financial tasks. But I don’t like robotic messages. Please let me know you are human by:

  1. writing naturally using my name in your email: Olivier.
  2. Contact me by email at: olivier@eitherdiy.com

This is the fastest and most guaranteed way to contact me. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about what we teach here.

· Updated on: October 30, 2021