Cars and Maintenance

How to Replace Coolant

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Before you begin the steps, take some time to get to know your cooling system in these few lines.

How to replace and refill car coolant?

You need to know:

The location of the radiator

The principle of operation of the radiator

The method of maintenance

The interval of coolant replacement

Location of the radiator

The radiator is located in front of the engine and is connected to it by at least two large hoses located at the top and bottom of the radiator, and by a small hose to the expansion tank. On cars with automatic transmission you will find about five pipes. The other two placed in the lower plane of the radiator ensure the entry and exit of the transmission fluid to the radiator in order to reproduce it.

Sealing of the radiator

The sealing of the cooling system is ensured by the filler cap placed either on the radiator directly, on a hose or on the expansion tank. In normal operating temperature the coolant or flowing liquid reaches between 10°C to 90°C maximum in the hottest places. But be careful because beyond 100° to 120°C the engine overheats. You will see the needle located closer to the red part and its indicator light on. Be aware that a leak in the system can be the cause, hence the importance of not neglecting any suspicion of leakage.

Steps to maintain the cooling system

  1. Purchase a gallon of concentrated coolant containing 40/60% glycol

  2. Mix it yourself as directed to avoid paying for the water you can get.

  3. Drain the system with the engine cold by means of the drain screw or plug located at the bottom of the radiator either by hand or with a screwdriver. Example VG33 radiator draining

  4. Remove the radiator cap at the top to speed up the draining.

  5. Close the drain plug loosely and refill with the mixture.

  6. Unscrew and retighten the additional bleed nipples if any.

  7. Check the level, then start the vehicle and make sure that the maintenance has not left any leak.

Coolant Replacement Interval

Performing this maintenance may cut off your vehicle’s maintenance insurance if you have it, otherwise perform this maintenance at 150,000 km or every 2 to 4 years.

Would you like to be helped to identify the radiator drain plug before proceeding with the maintenance? To make it easier for you, here is a tip that will help you to identify it like a pro!

Go to piecesauto24:

Click on “Please choose the type of vehicle”.

Choose the brand

The model and the year

The engine

In the chosen spare parts catalog:

Engine cooling


And here are several manufacturers offering you the image of your radiator.

Make this shortcut and get your free info on Piecesauto24 . And change your coolant successfully!💪

· Updated on: March 24, 2023

Written by Gilbert Olivier

Gilbert Olivier at EitherDIY

I am ! I enjoy DIY projects. Not just because I can save money with it. But also because it's fun while doing something useful and I always learn a lot during my experiments. I'll share my tips, best methods, and tools with you on that blog."

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