
This page contains affiliate links from which I will receive commissions. This is the full disclosure on all categories:

I am Olivier GILBERT. I manage EitherDIY.com.

This document will help you understand the nature of the content of this blog. In case of doubt, use the contact page to find the necessary information to contact me.

Privacy Policy: Data Collection and Security

On the privacy policy page, I have indicated when we ask for your name, email address, website address.

I will never share your email address with anyone.

I use email software (ZohoMail) to collect data and send you newsletters. I also have a backup on my computer.

About cookies

Like almost every website in the world, this website uses cookies that store information such as your search queries, clicked links, etc…

However, this is not a way to record your personal data. Please feel free to browse the site safely. As a hands-on content center, most of your actions will be reading and following links to implement blogging strategies.

My goal is to teach you how to do it yourself or direct you where to buy the service.

Remember, I make money with my website through affiliate marketing, advertisements and other means, while guiding you.

To keep it simple, let’s assume that all external links on EitherDIY are affiliate links.

In most cases, I earn a commission when you purchase a product or service by following these links. You always pay only the price of the product. The commission comes from the merchant’s revenue. And I don’t promote products because I got a free version by doing so. Feel free to buy it when a product fits your need.

So, even if I don’t explicitly say I get paid by making a contextual link or displaying a banner in the sidebar to a product or service, keep in mind that I may receive a commission.

It doesn’t cost you any more or make you any less. That’s one of the reasons I love your success so much and strive to help you achieve it.

Content ownership and opinions

All articles I write and ideas are my own when I am not quoting someone. However, although we manage the comments on the site, the opinions expressed in the comments may be those of the authors of those comments.

I also add banner ads to monetize the site. They accompany my articles which are mainly informative.

I share my personal experiences, knowledge and ideas; or I write about what experts have said or experienced. This blog therefore contains content that may present a conflict of interest. And I don’t always identify this type of content.

Feel free to contact me via the contact page. And enjoy your stay on the site!

Best regards,


This policy is valid from March 1st 2021.

· Updated on: October 30, 2021