Easy Sewing

How to Replace a Jeans Button

If your jeans button has just ripped off or you’ve gained a little weight and your jeans are getting too much use, don’t go changing the jeans. You can enlarge the size by changing the button.

Whatever the reason, you’ll have to remove it first if it doesn’t come off on its own.

Tools and Accessories to Repair

To change the jeans button you’ll need:

  • Two multiple pliers
  • The replacement button
  • A hammer


  • The button
  • A needle
  • Sewing thread
  • A match
  • A pair of scissors

Repair with jeans button

Get your jeans button from the market or supermarket, or from a sewing accessory store.

Step #1change-jeans-button-step-1.jepg

Use the cutting part of the first pliers to hold the nail inside the jeans.

Step #2change-jeans-button-step-2.jepg

Hold the head of the button with the teeth of the other pliers, holding the pliers firmly makes a right and left antagonistic movement while you pull on one of the pliers.

Step #3change-jeans-button-step-3.jepg

So take the jeans. With the new button you have in hand, use the part with the nail, place it in the original location of the one you had on the back of the jeans size. Or a little farther toward the end closest if you want to expand the waist.

Step #4:change-jeans-button-step-4.jepg

Take the other part of the jeans button, put it well in front of the one you have already pushed in the back.

Step #5change-jeans-button-step-5.jepg

Once the previous tip reaches the middle of the button put the lower part on a flat hard surface and then press with force. or you get help with a small hammer. If you manage to do it by hand, be aware that when you hear the click, the jeans button is fixed.

Watch this video to make sure that the result is identical from the inside to the outside, to the original one.

Repair with ordinary button

  1. In case you don’t have this kind of push button you can use an ordinary button.

  2. You have to sew it in such a way that the button is not flattened against the jeans, to do this get help from a match or something of the same thickness.

  3. Place it at the back of the button location that is on the back of the waistband. And sew the button with the match.

  4. After sewing like this you slide the match under the seam and pull a little on the button which leaves a gap between the button and the jeans, which will allow to detach and attach more easily.

If you tend to avoid change, the very conservative type. Consult a [repair café to get help from a volunteer near you.









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💪 Good luck in repairing yours!

· Updated on: November 15, 2021

Written by Gilbert Olivier

Gilbert Olivier at EitherDIY

I am ! I enjoy DIY projects. Not just because I can save money with it. But also because it's fun while doing something useful and I always learn a lot during my experiments. I'll share my tips, best methods, and tools with you on that blog."

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