Privacy & Cookies Policy

We strive to collect as little personal data as possible from you. But sometimes we have to.

What is personal data?

What is personal data?

This is data that can be used to identify a living person, such as name, email address, IP address, website.

This page contains the privacy and cookie policy describing how we collect data, when and what we collect when you use the site (, when you browse our pages by displaying ads.

(“I”, “we”, “us”, “our”) is used in reference to me (Olivier Gilbert) operating the blog/site ( since Haiti.

You can contact me at any time using the “contact us” page.

Data collection, processing and storage When you browse, you agree to our privacy policy. This one is the following:

How and when does collect data?

We collect personal data, such as your name and/or email address when:

  • you use our email to contact us.
  • Data such as browser, location, IP are stored in the server log.


On we use cookies.

A cookie is a small amount of data that is stored on your hard drive by your web browser while you browse the Internet.

We use them to serve faster web pages and to make other business operations possible. For example, we attribute sales to affiliate links so that product owners can pay us. (more information on our affiliate disclosure page).

Browsing: Third parties, such as analytics tools and ad networks, use cookies that also do not contain personal data.

However, you can manage these cookies or your preferences.

Some companies offer options to decline cookies or you can manage them on your web browser. Please note, however, that some site features may not work if you delete or disable cookies. THE SITE’S COOKIES DO NOT AND CANNOT INFILTRATE A USER’S HARD DRIVE TO COLLECT ANY INFORMATION STORED ON THE HARD DRIVE.

We avoid personal data whenever possible:

Google Analytics: We analyze incoming and outgoing traffic. However, we do anonymize the IP address.

Google Adsense: We use ads to earn money on the site, along with affiliate marketing. But we show you ads related to the text you read. We show you ads based on your interests only if you agree.

Do you want us to delete your data?

You can contact us to request the deletion of your data.

We ask for personal data so that you can use the service for which you have given your data. By deleting this data, you will also lose access to these services.

The articles may contain links to third party websites.

These sites must take responsibility for their privacy and cookie policies. I have no control over them.

You are strongly advised to read the terms and conditions, privacy and cookie policies of other websites you visit.

Effective March 18, 2021.

· Updated on: October 29, 2021