Tools I Use And Recommend

I aggregate on this page the tools I recommend for your DIY Projects.

On EitherDIY, I share tutorials and tips on home and garden, car and maintenance, and sewings. With the right tools, you can have fun accomplishing great things.

Photography & Video

Canon EOS Rebel SL2: I use this canon camera for my tutorials. I like its touch and flip LCD screen. It’s among the compatible model to turn DSLR camera into HD webcam. So, it helps in making videos.

Lens EF Lens 50mm 1:1.8 STM: Along the lens that came with the camera, I use this lens which allow me to take photos and videos with blurry backgrounds. It is also good for portrait.

Site Building & Hosting

  • Hugo: I use Hugo static site generator to create a fast and static site because my content in mainly educational and don’t change from person to person.
  • Cloudflare & GitHub: I host my site on CloudFlare Pages which have a generous free plan. I manage the code of my site on GitHub. This is a good match for Hugo, my static site builder of choice.
· Updated on: October 30, 2021

Written by Gilbert Olivier

Gilbert Olivier at EitherDIY

I am ! I enjoy DIY projects. Not just because I can save money with it. But also because it's fun while doing something useful and I always learn a lot during my experiments. I'll share my tips, best methods, and tools with you on that blog."

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